- Journal polytechnique ou Bulletin du travail fait à l’École centrale des travaux publics, 1er cahier (an 3, germinal)
- Journal de l’École polytechnique ou Bulletin du travail fait à cette École, 2e cahier (an 3, floréal/prairial)-6e cahier (an 7, thermidor)
- Journal de l’École royale polytechnique, 18e cahier (1820, janv.)-31e cahier (1847)
- Journal de l’École impériale polytechnique, 35e cahier (1853)-43e cahier (1870).
It is irregularly published from 1795 to 1823 ; then yearly (irregular) from 1831 to 1935 ; and quarterly from 1937 to 1939. The archive of the Journal de l’École polytechnique is accessible online with Gallica.
The Journal de l'École polytechnique is one of the oldest French scientific journal (1795–1939), which published articles from famous French mathematicians, as for example Appell, Catalan, Chasles, Cauchy, Fourier, Hermite, Hugoniot, Jordan, Lagrange, Laplace, P. Lévy, Liouville, S. Mandelbrojt, Monge, Painlevé, Picard, Poincaré, Poisson, Rouché, Saint Venant. On the occasion of its centenary issue, in 1895, the journal published the fundamental paper Analysis Situs by Poincaré.